Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Arizona Pictures!!

Hannah insited that we get one picture of the family while we were there.
(If I may add, she was being a little bossy. Don't tell her I said that.)
A BEAUTIFUL Arizona sunset. Amazing!
(Thank-you Grandpa for this picture!)

Dad and I atop McIntosh Mountain.
Please note:
McIntosh Mountain is NOT the official name of this mountain. I honestly have no clue what it is.

A view of the Dinosaur Mountain range from Nanny and Grandpa's yard.
(Yes, that is the official name of the mountain range.)

Grandpa's new puppy, Almandeen. Almondeen? Almondean? You get the idea. She's a cute little puppy...

Merry (Belated) Christmas!

'Tis the season to apologize. Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, but I've been doing a little Christmas travel. My plane got in at about 6:00pm last night, and we didn't get home until about 11:00pm. I'm awaiting the arrival of my pictures from Arizona, and I will post them once the email comes.
Yesterday, my family and I traveled for about 12 hours, because the plane we were supposed to fly on decided not to work. We were supposed to take off at 11:52am, but ended up leaving at 4:15pm. By the way, this happened on the way home. Everything on the way to Arizona was smooth flying.
I got a lot of cool things from my family, so THANK-YOU!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day!

Amelia dosen't feel attractive in her snow outfit.
A picture of how much it really snowed.

Amelia likes drawing smiley faces on her mom's car.

order=0>Amelia's mom's car got snowed on....hehe.

Almost 4 inches in the shallow part.

Monday, December 1, 2008


A new trimester has approached ever so quickly at Miller Jr. High. This means new classes, new grades, and new surprises. Starting with last Wednesday, for example.
I was talking to my friend Chansey (of whom I share my Leadership/elective class) about our schedule change. She pointed out, "I can't belive we have eighth grade lunch now!" and I literally gasped. I had NO KNWOLEDGE of this fact. Dining with eighth graders was not exactly in my agenda. Here's an overview of the rest of the conversation.

Me: "What? We have eighth grade lunch?"
Chansey: "Yeah. It's a combined class with 7th and 8th grade."
Me: "That's jank."

Chansey was correct, and today I ate lunch with the small handful of "seveys" that were thrown in against their will like me. There are 10 of us, counting the world rythems class that also have 2nd lunch.
So that's how my trimester started out. Can't wait until March 4, 2009.


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Meet Dixie!

We welcome the newest addition to the McIntosh family! She is a Blue/Red Heeler and German Shepherd mix (Or a purple Shepherd :-). Dixie caught Hannah's eye at the Grays Harbor Fairgrounds yesterday, and Hannah always wanted a blue heeler. So voila! We brought her home. Tasha will have to adjust to the new 8-week-old!

Watch a clip of Dixie in action!



Wednesday, November 26, 2008

She's Thankful for a Pyramid?

Erm, no. I'm not thankful for a pyramid. Well, sort of...

The blurry pictures you see above are the photos of my faux pyramid. I built it for my social studies class in hope of extra credit. No, my pyramid is not life size. I don't think they shrink you to barbie-sized in the afterlife. I wouldn't know, since I've never been a dead Egyptian.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I should give a list of all that I'm thankful for. Cliche? Yes. Do I care? Nope :-)
I'm thankful for:
  • All things music,
  • My family and friends
  • The extended portion of the fam :-)
  • All the recent technologies


Amelia Rose (Pilgrim at Heart!)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Oh, How it's Been so Long!

Sorry! I've been rather busy with everything! Here is an update on my current life arrangement. :-)

1) I finished a 496 page book! (Twilight by Stephanie Meyer)
2)I've been obsessively listening to music...(Poker Face and Just Dance by Lady Gaga, and crushcrushcrush by Paramore)
3) I have the best social studies teacher in the world! I love Mr. Harless' class! (I'm currently building a pyramid out of poster board...yowza!)
4) I'm getting good at making oragami frogs!
5) I started PE last week. I can in fact do push-ups! (Are they good? No.)
6) I got rainbow braces...and broke a bracket.

So that's what's up in my life. How 'bout you?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It's approximately 8:30 at night, and the polls are drawing to a close. The headlines read clear on Yahoo! Poll Coverage: "America's First Black President."

Congratulations, Barack Obama.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Stuffed Animal Mafia

At the end it says "A word of advice: never trust the stuffies"


Morgan & Mill

Dolly Mania!

Stop animation rules!

vvvvv look down to read my latest editorial!

7th Grade vs 6th Grade

A wide shot of Miller Jr. High

The life of a seventh grader is a unique one. I must say, it's a big transition from the life of a sixth grader. Most of my friends could agree, but have gotten used to it.

A major difference between the two grades, would probably be passing periods. We didn't used to have them, instead we just traveled with our only teacher in lines with our fellow students. We'd do math, science, english, and social studies all in one classroom.

Also, there was recess. A time of craziness, and childplay. There was a playground, basketball hoops, four-square mats, and hopscotch...thingys. Everywhere you'd look, there'd be a kindergartener crying, some first grade boys chasing each other, kids fighting over who got to be the cat in the game of "House", and kids about my age sitting on the ground talking.

Now, we have lunch. Not that we didn't get lunch back in elementary school, but lunch now is the only free time we get. You can go to the library, the gym, or outside by the picnic tables. You can also stay in the lunchroom, a.k.a, the student center.

The work in seventh grade is pretty much the same as the work in sixth grade, only easier and more homework. Sixth grade homework is just the stuff you didn't finish during the day, as opposed to seventh grade, where the teacher will assign you homework, example: Do all the even numbered problems on pages 10, 11, and 13.

All in all, life at Miller Jr. High is a weird, insane, totally fun, and all around average.


Amelia Rose

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Editorial on...Bus Rides!

Bus Rides
by Amelia Rose
What's long, yellow, loud, and consistently smells like chewed gum and feet? You guessed it, the good 'ol bus. The bus has perks and quirks, but mostly it just smells weird and takes you places.
Not only is finding a seat hard enough, but when there isn't one, you usually end up sitting by a complete stranger, or a random high school student. When you do end up sitting by a friend, sometimes things go horribly wrong.
  1. You don't have your iPod, and your friend wont share with you.
  2. Your friend is mad at you for an unexplained reason.
  3. Your friend is having a bad day, and just wants to vent.

With numbers one and two, you can usually make small talk with the person across the aisle, unless said person is a stranger/weirdo. If that happens, you just end up twirling your thumbs, counting down the stops to your house.

The bus is also a wonderful time to realize that you woke up at 5:30 this morning. Not only that, but you stayed up late to catch this week's "Ugly Betty" making you very sleepy. But what do you do?

  1. A) Fall asleep and risk bad hair...
  2. B) Stay awake as long as possible...
  3. C) Fall asleep in social studies when your watching that video on Mt. Everest.

But alas, the bus pulls up at the school, and you have no choice but to go with B or C for your answer.

So, the bus is usually an inconvenience, but nonetheless a free lift to school.

Amelia Rose McIntosh

Friday, October 17, 2008

Misadventures of a 7th Grader

Sorry for the wait! I've been super busy with school lately, but now, I'm ready to post!

I wrote and essay a while back for my advisory/math teacher, Mr. Keely, about why I should be student of the day /week/month. Turns out, he really really liked it, and gave it to Mr. Tageant, the 8th grade english teacher.

Well, Mr. Tageant liked it, and said that I write better than some 8th graders (Ok, that really caught me off guard.) and offered that I write editorials for the school newspaper! ( This really, really caught me off guard.

So I wrote some practice ones, on bus rides, and 7th grade apparel, and other random things like so, and I must say I'm getting fairly goodat writing my opinion on paper. My mmom keeps saying that this ties in with my goal to be a best selling author by age 18 super duper well and I should go for it, but I'm still nontheless reluctant to quote: "go for it!"

Also, I never showed you, but I got my ASB card! Here's a snapshot-

This allows me to buy lunch, check out books from the library, and let's you get into dances with a discount. Major awesome!

Book I'm reading- Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer

Reeeeeealy good boook. I recomend with 2 thumbs up!

Well, that's how my life is, so seeya when I seeya!


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mill 'n Morgan Passing Time with Magnets!

Me and Morgan Giving a demo of passtimes with magnets and braces!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Boogers, the Cat, and the Baby.

This weekend we had a lovely visit with Aunt Katherine, Uncle Brian, and Baby Stella. Whether it be picking noses, screaming, or the bathtub, it was an all around awesome experience. Believe me, we got some rockin' shots, and had a jolly good time.
Boogers Rock
Vinnie seemed to enjoy sitting in boxes...
Hannah had a fun time playing dress up with Stella.
Ha ha! I'm touching your lens!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Anwser to Random thought of the day-

posted as a comment

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dell Pictures

Ok, Maybe Not...

Sorry everyone! I've been waiting very paitently for my Dell to come, so heres a written, not 'vloged' update :-D

Dell emailed my dad saying that my order got shipped as of yesterday, the 18th. It will take approximately 3 days to get here meaning my order will be in my ownership from the 21st thru the 25th. Major Cool!
Vlogging is NOT as easy at I thought it may or may not be. I can't decide what to do! I seriously doubt you guys want to see me putting dishes away, so until that laptop comes you'll have to wait :'-(

Until then,

Amelia Rose (a.k.a. ARM, ARMadillo, Mill, Millya)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sorry for the wait!

Hey guys! Back home from a looooong week of fair!

Fair was really fun! Hannah had some great runs, and I got to eat a deep-fried twinkie (blech!)! Starting with my next post I'll be making a video blog!(vlog)! either using the camcorder, or the webcam on my NEW LAPTOP THAT WILL BE HERE IN 5or, 7-10 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SOOOOO


Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby, no, BIG GIRL Scout!

Dear Stella Scout,
Ok, I know i'm a day late, but it's the thought that counts. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! I remember when you were just four days old, and I got to hold you. i felt so honored, pleased, and my mouth even hurts because I've been smiling for so long thinking of you. You change every time I see you, and I love how pretty, stylish, and amazing you've panned out to be. I love you, your mama, and your papa soo much and I'll see you soon!

Cousin Amelia

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Abstract Art By Moi

Devided into Thirds?
Skwarz an' Rektayngulls?
Spiral Snail?
Psyco Stripes?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What A fun Week...

I had a pretty busy month, but it sure was a fun one!

I had a great time at Poppy's retirement par-tay, getting to see the family, and meeting some new people! This upcoming weekend is the wee Scout's 1st B-Day party! Much, much fun! See 'yall later!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Re: Bored

The answer will be posted as a comment on this post.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Hey, it's Amelia. I'm bored. Did you know I'm really bad at solitare? I also can't find the laundry basket. It's probably somewhere around here! I have a brain teaser courtesy of The Mole (c) ABC television corporations.

If I have a soda cellar, and every morning at 9:00am I get a delivery of 22 cans of pop. Every night at 9:00pm, I take out 12 cans. No other times do I add or remove cans.
If on January 1st, I had 400 cans in my cellar, on what day did I have 500 cans...in January?

A. January 9
B. January 10
C. January 13
D. Jauary 31

Monday, July 14, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I Shoulda Brought More Bugspray!

Hey everyone! I hope you have a lot of time on your hands, because Ima be goin' on about 4-H camp for a while!
So I got back yesterday after spending 6 days at good 'ol Panhandle 4-H camp! No major sunburn. Alas I'm still pretty tired.
I was in cabin 7A with counselors Nikki and Stephanie. We probably had 4 different chaperons, 3 of which' s names i do not remember. The only one I do, is Vicky. I was also sitting with Table G, with counselors William and Mariah. Good times, good times.
I probably ate a total of 50 mini jaw breakers...man those things are addicting. A list of crafts I made are as follows:
  • A potholder
  • The beginning of a lanyard
  • Some string art
  • This thing called a glow spinner, very addicting!

My favorite memory at my cabin, would probably be the night that one of the counselors in the cabin next to us put both of her legs into one pant hole thing, and got off her bunk and tripped over somebodys stuff, and her pants flew off...a kodak/LOL moment, at 11:15 at night.

Overall, my camp experience rocked, alas I can't post pictures because I had to give my camera to my sister.

XOXO, *~A Tired Mill~*

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Demon Dental Device

Oh, how I want to smash you with a hammer!
I now have all authority to CRUSH YOU!
Hey people! As you can probably tell by ^^^ the above photos, MY EXPANDER IS OUTTA MY MOUTH! Yes, I am happy! Who wouldn't be after having a chunk of metal shoved into the roof of your mouth, mercilessly spreading your jaw apart? Anyway, now I've got a month with my appliance-except-braces-free mouth. Soon I get a pallet bar! Yippee(*not*)! However, I must say that I'm so happy that this Demon Dental Device is officially G to the O to the N E!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Do you like waffles?

Monday, June 30, 2008



a. Give her a hug 'cuz she's like your bestie.

b. Tell her to get off your yard.

c. Tilt your head and wonder who the heck she is.

d. Call the cops.

Thank you to ~!RANDOMNESS!~ for the idea!



Friday, June 27, 2008

Hey 'Yall!

Another update from Amelia Rose!
So I spent the night at my friend Claire's house last night. We had a ton-o-fun, and we slept in...late. I mean like 10:15. But, I was well rested ;-).
It also cracked 75 degrees in the shade. Wowza Pazowza.


Friday, June 20, 2008


First things first...

Sorry mom. I know you wanted to get at leat one picture of me with my friends whith out me bursting into tears. Not gunna happen. See the pictures...Please no snide comments/remarks about my sensitivity(every single girl...'sept for Claire...was crying in my class...just not during this particular photo opp.), or my cry-cry face.
Amy and Kaylee, helping me through the waterworks...just before their own started.
Me hugging my favorite teacher, Mrs. Reed
An emotional good-bye to all my besties
Reciving my diploma from Mr. Sawin and Mr. Hendrickson

Here's the dealio!

Hey everybody! Today was a super duper emotional day. I graduated elementary school, and am now an official seventh grader! But that also meant saying good-bye to all my besties going to montesano jr./sr. high. I love you all!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

only a 1/2 day of school left!

im protesting shift buttons, along with caps lock. this would be why none of the letters in this conversation here are capitalized. anyway i only have a 1/2 day left of school exclamation point
it has been a [all caps] great [no more all caps] year exclamation point
can't wait to go to jr. high exclamation point


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Antoher fantastic week!

Hey folks! it's now offically THURSDAY!!! My week rocked! It consisted of...

  • A super nice substitute on Monday.
  • Morgan getting the Alicica Clique book on Tuesday (and is going to let me read it)
  • completeing every page in our math book on Wednesday
  • Presenting our science project today.

Tell how your week went!

XOXO, *~Amelia~*

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My braces are now....(drum roll please)...


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Couple of Announcements!

Hey everybody! I've got some announcements!

  • I'm having difficulty uploading hair pictures.
  • School will be out on June 20th
  • My sister made a blog go to http://www.hannahshorsestuff.blogspot.com (If the link dosen't take you there when you click on it, copy and paste it into your URL bar.)
  • We had a veeeeery late end of WASL root beer float party in class yesteray.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I got a haircut!

I got a haircut yesterday. It's about chin length, and much easier to maintain. i have to leave for school, and today is also my recital dress rehearsal, so I'll post pics tomorrow!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Pictures

Cloud. Not a Rain Cloud. Just a Cloud.
Izaliah (Or however you spell it!)
Front Yard Daisy
Blurry Blue Flower
Neighbors Rhodes

Friday, May 23, 2008

Fixed it up!

Kay, kay! All fixed. The Randomness link acctually taked you to randomness now.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Another Fabalicious Week

Hey everybody! How's it going? I just wanted to say that it has been a great week for me.

Plus, I got to re-take math quiz that missed a little less than half on(yeah, I know. Dang you linear equasions!)

tell me how your week was!



Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So like, I went to Seaside last wekend (by the way, major sunburn...ouch!)and we went to the Tilamook cheese factory. Major kool! They were selling the cutest little cheeses called....

TILA-MOOS! how cute.
I just thought I'd share that with you...


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Congratulations Whitney!

I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Whitney off of America's Next Top Model on being the first EVER plus sized model to win!

Reasons why I think it's great she won:
  • She's a beaut
  • She's not afraid to eat

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Current State of the Union

Rhinstoned Belts
Chris Brown
String for Belts
Vinn Deisle

Friday, May 9, 2008


Hey fellow bloggers! I got back from camp on Wednesday, but I've been pretty tired, so that explains why I haven't posted in a while.
Heres an overview-
  • Arrived
  • Got a tour of the lovely facility:0)
  • Moved into our cabins (I was in Hollywood Hills :-D)
  • Did our first feild study, or class (Plants, animals, water, and soil...or PAWS)
  • Woke up next mornig bright eyed and bushy tailed...
  • Did 2 feild studies
  • And on the last day, we did one more feild study, packed up and left...

I didn't include meals or campfires...I'm sorry I couldn't post pictures, but I didn't bring a camera. Sohrray.



Saturday, May 3, 2008


Ok, 2 of my friends (Jennie and Amy) made a blog. It's kind of funny, and definantly random. They keep saying something about stepping on pickles, and shoving them down pants, but in a way it's humorous.

If you want to see it go to:

What do you get when you combine a bus ride, duffle bags, and a bunch of 6th graders?

You get 6th grade 3 day CAMP! That's right, im going to be leaving on Monday, and returning on Wednesday! How exciting! We're going with McDermoth Elementary 6th graders too! I'll be bunking with Morgan, Jaime, and some other McDermoth people I don't know.
We will learn about plants, animals, erosion, water, and other outdoor stuff. I'm all packed and ready to go...and it's only Saturday!
I'm really looking forward to spending 3 days away from school! I'll post pix when I get back!


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Current State of the Union

Club Crackers
Apparently Sun
Hair Ties
Saltine Crackers

Monday, April 21, 2008

Metal Mouth!

I am officially the metal mouthiest person in my family!!
Ok you're all probably wondering "What the heck is she talking about?"
Plus I still have my expander in, so i taste metal and rubber almost all day!

Current State of the Union
Light Blue and Turquoise Braces
Tap Dancing
Puffy Vests
America's Next Top Model
Yellow Braces (They don't look good from afar)

Sunday, April 20, 2008


We got a new fridge yesterday. It's reeeeeeeally big! But I like it anyway. I mean, who dsen't like refidgeraters? If you don't, you must not drink a lot of milk...
