I did have some good adventures at camp! Here’s a quick video:
Thoroughly enjoy.
A True Story.
My name is Amelia. As a typical teenager, I had yet another experience spending a week at 4-H camp. Of course there were your everyday crafts, such as lanyard making, pony beading, painting wooden figures and t-shirt design. There was swimming, canoes, one of those play parachutes, and a volleyball court. And what would camp be without campfire, a mess hall and a good ol’ counselor hunt?
While I thoroughly enjoyed camp, there was in fact one set back.
As you may know (or at least assumed.) electronic devices are not allowed at camp. No, cell phone withdrawal was NOT the aforementioned set back. However, one of my friend’s dad was a chaperone, and she was texting another friend of ours.
As all of us were getting ready for bed after a rowdy night at the carnival, she pulled me aside. She said, “Kyle told me that a Miller student passed away.”
Naturally, I was shocked. So I asked, “Who? An eighth grader?”
She nodded and told me the name. I thought she was joking. There was no way.
Unfortunately, yes. My good friend Josh died on Sunday because of an ATV accident. He was probably the nicest and funniest boy in our school. He made learning about protons and neutrons fun, just by being in science. I remember sitting in front of him, and even though he always kicked the back of my chair, just hearing what he had to say would brighten my morning. He went to great lengths to get everybody to laugh, such as telling abridged versions of Harry Potter.
I’ll miss him terribly, as will everybody who was lucky enough to know him in his wrongfully short life. My heart and thoughts are with the Johnson family in this trying time. Rest in peace.
I’m back!
Washington D.C. was a blast! We saw literally EVERYTHING and went EVERYWHERE. It was rad, and so now in no particular order, are some photos of my trip! (Click to enlarge)
White House!
The Gang!
Yes, it was as hot as it looks.
Iwo Jima!
The Capitol from the top of the Washington Monument!
See where the bricks change?
Lewis and Clark meet Lewis and Clark!
Lincoln Memorial!
Holy sideburns, Batman!
Mt. Vernon
Michelle Obama’s inaugural gown!