Saturday, October 25, 2008

Stuffed Animal Mafia

At the end it says "A word of advice: never trust the stuffies"


Morgan & Mill

Dolly Mania!

Stop animation rules!

vvvvv look down to read my latest editorial!

7th Grade vs 6th Grade

A wide shot of Miller Jr. High

The life of a seventh grader is a unique one. I must say, it's a big transition from the life of a sixth grader. Most of my friends could agree, but have gotten used to it.

A major difference between the two grades, would probably be passing periods. We didn't used to have them, instead we just traveled with our only teacher in lines with our fellow students. We'd do math, science, english, and social studies all in one classroom.

Also, there was recess. A time of craziness, and childplay. There was a playground, basketball hoops, four-square mats, and hopscotch...thingys. Everywhere you'd look, there'd be a kindergartener crying, some first grade boys chasing each other, kids fighting over who got to be the cat in the game of "House", and kids about my age sitting on the ground talking.

Now, we have lunch. Not that we didn't get lunch back in elementary school, but lunch now is the only free time we get. You can go to the library, the gym, or outside by the picnic tables. You can also stay in the lunchroom, a.k.a, the student center.

The work in seventh grade is pretty much the same as the work in sixth grade, only easier and more homework. Sixth grade homework is just the stuff you didn't finish during the day, as opposed to seventh grade, where the teacher will assign you homework, example: Do all the even numbered problems on pages 10, 11, and 13.

All in all, life at Miller Jr. High is a weird, insane, totally fun, and all around average.


Amelia Rose

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Editorial on...Bus Rides!

Bus Rides
by Amelia Rose
What's long, yellow, loud, and consistently smells like chewed gum and feet? You guessed it, the good 'ol bus. The bus has perks and quirks, but mostly it just smells weird and takes you places.
Not only is finding a seat hard enough, but when there isn't one, you usually end up sitting by a complete stranger, or a random high school student. When you do end up sitting by a friend, sometimes things go horribly wrong.
  1. You don't have your iPod, and your friend wont share with you.
  2. Your friend is mad at you for an unexplained reason.
  3. Your friend is having a bad day, and just wants to vent.

With numbers one and two, you can usually make small talk with the person across the aisle, unless said person is a stranger/weirdo. If that happens, you just end up twirling your thumbs, counting down the stops to your house.

The bus is also a wonderful time to realize that you woke up at 5:30 this morning. Not only that, but you stayed up late to catch this week's "Ugly Betty" making you very sleepy. But what do you do?

  1. A) Fall asleep and risk bad hair...
  2. B) Stay awake as long as possible...
  3. C) Fall asleep in social studies when your watching that video on Mt. Everest.

But alas, the bus pulls up at the school, and you have no choice but to go with B or C for your answer.

So, the bus is usually an inconvenience, but nonetheless a free lift to school.

Amelia Rose McIntosh

Friday, October 17, 2008

Misadventures of a 7th Grader

Sorry for the wait! I've been super busy with school lately, but now, I'm ready to post!

I wrote and essay a while back for my advisory/math teacher, Mr. Keely, about why I should be student of the day /week/month. Turns out, he really really liked it, and gave it to Mr. Tageant, the 8th grade english teacher.

Well, Mr. Tageant liked it, and said that I write better than some 8th graders (Ok, that really caught me off guard.) and offered that I write editorials for the school newspaper! ( This really, really caught me off guard.

So I wrote some practice ones, on bus rides, and 7th grade apparel, and other random things like so, and I must say I'm getting fairly goodat writing my opinion on paper. My mmom keeps saying that this ties in with my goal to be a best selling author by age 18 super duper well and I should go for it, but I'm still nontheless reluctant to quote: "go for it!"

Also, I never showed you, but I got my ASB card! Here's a snapshot-

This allows me to buy lunch, check out books from the library, and let's you get into dances with a discount. Major awesome!

Book I'm reading- Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer

Reeeeeealy good boook. I recomend with 2 thumbs up!

Well, that's how my life is, so seeya when I seeya!
