Friday, January 18, 2008

Amelia's Latest Update!

Well, I got my rapid expander on Wednesday. It is attatches to two of the molars in the back of my mouth, and it resembles a metal spider. Two times a day, I have to put a small key-like thing into a hole in the appliance, and rotate it backwards. That is one of the most uncomfortable things I've EVER done in my entire life. It is very hard to talk and even swallowing is a challange. But, I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is behing a set of perfect pearly whites.

1 comment:

The Burnslers said...

Hang in there, Amelia. We'll be sending you good teeth juju. Boy, it sounds might uncomfortable. Is there any way you could create some sort of photo essay or write a poem about it? You know, catharsis art? :)We love you!