I met my cousin.
She is such a cutie pie!
Her name is Phoebe.

I went to the park,
With Stella Scout and her dad.
Hilarity came.

She flew like Dino's.
Well, like a Pteranodon.
There was some laughter.

What can I say, guys?
Stella and the park are buds.
Especially swings.

Then this picture came.
Phoebe in a brand new light.
I love my cousins.
All haiku's aside, I had a great time in Seattle with all of the family, and I hope to see you all again soon!
To sweet Amelia
A delicate rose, indeed
Genuine delight!
Oh, sweet girl!
My girls, the illustrious Stella and Phoebe, are so so so so so so so so so so so so very luck you have you as their "big kid" cousin. They adore you - as do we! - and can't wait to see you again. Come up to the 'ham, girl! We'll party like it's... well, like it's 2010. :)
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