Yes, recently I took an inexcuasbly long break from blogging. I have returned with stories, news, and other things for your reading pleasure!
Let's start with the most exciting tidbit of information:
I have a Rebel. I'm in love.

15 megapixels of pure joy at 3.7 frames per second. Excuse me while I swoon.
Yes, friends. After months of saving up for this beast, I have obtained the camera of my dreams. It takes full HD video, along with the pretty pictures. It might just be the best thing I've ever purchased. Maybe. Yes, yes it is.
I mean, c'maaan...look at these pictures of Tasha. So crisp! So clear! So...*sighs* you get the picture. (tehe)
Anyway, thanks for sticking around despite my vaction. I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas/New Year/What have you.
See you soon! (I PROMISE.)
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