Saturday, July 12, 2008

I Shoulda Brought More Bugspray!

Hey everyone! I hope you have a lot of time on your hands, because Ima be goin' on about 4-H camp for a while!
So I got back yesterday after spending 6 days at good 'ol Panhandle 4-H camp! No major sunburn. Alas I'm still pretty tired.
I was in cabin 7A with counselors Nikki and Stephanie. We probably had 4 different chaperons, 3 of which' s names i do not remember. The only one I do, is Vicky. I was also sitting with Table G, with counselors William and Mariah. Good times, good times.
I probably ate a total of 50 mini jaw those things are addicting. A list of crafts I made are as follows:
  • A potholder
  • The beginning of a lanyard
  • Some string art
  • This thing called a glow spinner, very addicting!

My favorite memory at my cabin, would probably be the night that one of the counselors in the cabin next to us put both of her legs into one pant hole thing, and got off her bunk and tripped over somebodys stuff, and her pants flew off...a kodak/LOL moment, at 11:15 at night.

Overall, my camp experience rocked, alas I can't post pictures because I had to give my camera to my sister.

XOXO, *~A Tired Mill~*

1 comment:

The Burnslers said...

Okay, so both legs in one pant leg? That poor girl. Ah, the dignity of camp. :)

Welcome back, Amelia. It sounds like you had a blast, and it also sounds like there are many a story to keep tellin'. Bring it on!

We love ya!
K, B & SS