The life of a seventh grader is a unique one. I must say, it's a big transition from the life of a sixth grader. Most of my friends could agree, but have gotten used to it.
A major difference between the two grades, would probably be passing periods. We didn't used to have them, instead we just traveled with our only teacher in lines with our fellow students. We'd do math, science, english, and social studies all in one classroom.
Also, there was recess. A time of craziness, and childplay. There was a playground, basketball hoops, four-square mats, and hopscotch...thingys. Everywhere you'd look, there'd be a kindergartener crying, some first grade boys chasing each other, kids fighting over who got to be the cat in the game of "House", and kids about my age sitting on the ground talking.
Now, we have lunch. Not that we didn't get lunch back in elementary school, but lunch now is the only free time we get. You can go to the library, the gym, or outside by the picnic tables. You can also stay in the lunchroom, a.k.a, the student center.
The work in seventh grade is pretty much the same as the work in sixth grade, only easier and more homework. Sixth grade homework is just the stuff you didn't finish during the day, as opposed to seventh grade, where the teacher will assign you homework, example: Do all the even numbered problems on pages 10, 11, and 13.
All in all, life at Miller Jr. High is a weird, insane, totally fun, and all around average.
Amelia Rose
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