A BEAUTIFUL Arizona sunset. Amazing!
(Thank-you Grandpa for this picture!)
Watch a clip of Dixie in action!
Amelia Rose (Pilgrim at Heart!)
At the end it says "A word of advice: never trust the stuffies"
Morgan & Mill
With numbers one and two, you can usually make small talk with the person across the aisle, unless said person is a stranger/weirdo. If that happens, you just end up twirling your thumbs, counting down the stops to your house.
The bus is also a wonderful time to realize that you woke up at 5:30 this morning. Not only that, but you stayed up late to catch this week's "Ugly Betty" making you very sleepy. But what do you do?
But alas, the bus pulls up at the school, and you have no choice but to go with B or C for your answer.
So, the bus is usually an inconvenience, but nonetheless a free lift to school.
Amelia Rose McIntosh
This allows me to buy lunch, check out books from the library, and let's you get into dances with a discount. Major awesome!
Book I'm reading- Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer
Reeeeeealy good boook. I recomend with 2 thumbs up!
Well, that's how my life is, so seeya when I seeya!
Me and Morgan Giving a demo of passtimes with magnets and braces!
My favorite memory at my cabin, would probably be the night that one of the counselors in the cabin next to us put both of her legs into one pant hole thing, and got off her bunk and tripped over somebodys stuff, and her pants flew off...a kodak/LOL moment, at 11:15 at night.
Overall, my camp experience rocked, alas I can't post pictures because I had to give my camera to my sister.
XOXO, *~A Tired Mill~*
Tell how your week went!
XOXO, *~Amelia~*
Plus, I got to re-take math quiz that missed a little less than half on(yeah, I know. Dang you linear equasions!)
tell me how your week was!
I didn't include meals or campfires...I'm sorry I couldn't post pictures, but I didn't bring a camera. Sohrray.